Saturday, November 1, 2014

MISSSY: Top 5 - Romantic Comedy Thai Movies!

I enjoy watching Thai movies lately, so decided to share what movie I enjoyed the most! :)


5. My Name Is Love (2012)

The movie is about a boy named Q who used to be the most popular boy in his school. After years, He became a loser! haha. His life changed when he unconciously signed up in a website that made him a CUPID. Being cupid means he cannot be in a relationship with someone. He tried hard to have his normal life back because he was eyeing for someone.

I think the young Q is very cute. :)

Hmmmmmmm. The movie is very funny and it is a romantic comedy with touches of fantasy. I enjoy watching his missions. It somehow reminds me of Cyrano Dating Agency. 

4. ATM Er Rak Error (2012)

The movie is about a cat and dog couple, They have been keeping their relationship for a long time because the company where they work has a strict "No Fraternization Policy". They got tired of hiding so they decided to get married but one of them must quit his/her job.  Then an ATM error in Chonburi province cashes out money. So they agreed that whoever finds the money first will be able to keep his/her job.

Hmmmmmmm. What I really enjoyed are the supporting cast. They gave a satirical effect (thanks to my English teacher. haha!) to the movie.

It is really funny how they started they relationship during working hours. haha!

3. Teacher's Diary (2014)

A guy who was sent to a far far away school to teach then he found a diary of the previous of teacher and fell inlove while reading it even if she's a stranger. He keeps reading the diary in his everyday live in teaching at a houseboat school as a guide.

Hmmmmmmm. The kids are very funny and played a big role in the movie. The movie is more of a comedy than romance.

The film also inspiring to teachers and students. It shows importance to EDUCATION.

2. First Love [Crazy Little Thing Called Love] (2010)

Who doesn't know this movie? haha! One of the most romantic and popular Thai film! :) Well, about a girl who changes herself so her first love (PShone) can notice her! An ugly girl turned into a princess. She succeed but things got more complicated when PShone's best friend came that cause a love triangle between the 3 of them. :)

Hmmmmmmm. The main characters in this film are good looking I'm just so in love with Mario Maurer. The film will just give you blush because it is so damn romantic! Don't hate me for putting this in the second spot! hahaha

1. First Kiss (2012)

The film is about an adult girl who accidentally kissed a student in a bus. She left her phone with the student and when the student refuses to give her phone back, she went to the student's school to get her phone back that made them closer.

The guy in this film is just so funny and romantic. Their age gap was not really a problem. Maybe, the reason why this my favorite because I also like younger guys in real life! (just kidding tho.)

Well this is just my honest opinion of these movies and I ranked it base on my taste. :)

November 1, 2014
Miss Sy

* credits to the owner of pictures. ( I just searched it at google.)

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